Top 10k strings from Prospect 4 (1986)(Mayday Software).tzx
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4 DBIN=FALSE 3 DATAIN=FALSE 2 WT=WT+W(Z): 2 DBSUP=TRUE 2 DBSUP=FALSE: 2 DBSUP=FALSE 2 ;" - ": 2 '"3rd section of data ";D$: 2 '"2nd section of data ";D$: 2 '"1st section of data ";D$: 2 "START YOUR RECORDER NOW" 1 prospect 4FV 1 ffff+(0.012 1 Z);" = ";S$(Y 1 W=((W3*W1)+(W4+W2))/(W3+W4) 1 W(F)=Z/100 1 T=T+(E(Z)*W(Z)): 1 Q$="1234PQRCAN" 1 KA=(K2*0.008 1 K$=" ": 1 H(Z)=B(Z,E): 1 GOTO 370 for WARM Start 1 EQUIVALENT TO FN W 1 EQUIVALENT TO FN A 1 EQUIVALENT 1 EQUIV TOFN BAL 1 DBSUP=TRUE: 1 DBSUP=L(56 1 DBIN=TRUE: 1 DBIN=FALSE: 1 DATAIN=TRUE: 1 DATAIN=TRUE 1 DATABASE 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 CURRENT PREDICTIONS" 1 C(Z,M)=A(Z): 1 B(Z,M)=H(Z): 1 A(Z)=C(Z,E): 1 ;Z;". ";F$(Z); 1 ;Z;" Rejected ": 1 ;Z;" Accepted ": 1 ;D$;" To be saved";: 1 ;"scores"; 1 ;"code ";Q$(Z 1 ;"YOU MUST NOW LOAD THE DATABASE": 1 ;"The last match entered was "; 1 ;"RATING"; 1 ;"Pressing ENTER on its own will repeat the last league code used" 1 ;"Press any key to continue"; 1 ;"No Data For Match ";E;" "; 1 ;"Match No: ";M; 1 ;"Match No"; 1 ;"League code" 1 ;"Last 3 home"; 1 ;"Last 3 away"; 1 ;"Initialising": 1 ;"HOME TEAM"; 1 ;"GOOD LUCK!"; 1 ;"Enter next match no. (1-55)";: 1 ;"Enter Prediction Factor (1-6)"; 1 ;"Enter New Value (0-99) for"; 1 ;"Draw rating (0-99)" 1 ;"Do you want to:"; 1 ;"Do you want to ;-" 1 ;"Current Prediction Factors"; 1 ;"AWAY TEAM": 1 ;"4. Return to menu" 1 ;"3. Change match" 1 ;"2. Return to Menu" 1 ;"2. Repeat match ";M 1 ;"1. Enter next match ";: 1 ;"1. Change Factors" 1 ;" PROSPECT4"; 1 ;" MATCH SELECTION "; 1 ;" Enter Choice ";: 1 ;" Predicting Match ";E;" ";: 1 ; "8. Terminate Run" 1 ; "7. Load/Update Database" 1 ; "6. Change Prediction Factors" 1 ; "5. Reload Data from cassette" 1 ; "4. Save Data onto cassette" 1 ; "3. Compute Predictions" 1 ; "2. Update Database" 1 ; "2. Match entry" 1 ; "2. Enable match scores entry" 1 ; "1. Load Database" 1 ; "1. Instructions" 1 ; "1. Disable match scores entry" 1 ; "Please enter match numbers of those matches which resulted in SCORE DRAWS. Enter 99 when you have entered them all." 1 ; "6. Each match is identified by its match number as given on your coupon." 1 ; "5. Each week you must enter the data for the matches on the pools coupon. You do this by selecting option 2 from the Menu." 1 ; "2. When selecting an option fromone of PROSPECT4's menus, you do not need to press the ENTER key - the option number is enough." 1 ; "13. You can save all the data you have entered onto a casette by selecting the 'Save Data' option from the Menu. After the results of the matches are knownyou can reload the data with the'Load Data' option and 'tune' PROSPECT4 as described below. NB When choosing a data identifier, it is a good idea touse the coupon date" 1 ; "11. After entering each match you then have the option of re- entering it if you know you have made a typing error. You can also change the match number of the next match e.g.if you want to omit matches" 1 ; "9. 'LAST 3 HOME SCORES' means the results of the home team's last 3 home matches (the oldest result at the top). Similarly enter away scores for the away team's last 3 away matches. (NB the goals of the team being considered always come first - even for away scores).If you don't have a result(s) available, enter 9-9 and PROSPECT4 will ignore the result." 1 ; "8. 'GAMES PLAYED' and 'TOTAL POINTS' refer to the total for each team (ie the 1st and last columns of a league table)." 1 ; "7. The league codes required are;-"; 1 ; "4. PROSPECT4 will indicate incorrectly entered data by two short error tones." 1 ; "3. When entering data about a match you will need to press theENTER key after each data item. PROSPECT4 will indicate what data is required by a flashing "; 1 ; "16. The prediction factors are used to 'weight' the six indiv- idual predictions made by PROSPECT4. Thus by varying theseweights you can tune PROSPECT4." 1 ; "15. To tune PROSPECT4 you must systematically vary the prediction factors and compare the predictions made for each combination of factors with the actual results. You can then setthese factors to the best combination before making your predictions each week." 1 ; "15. The meaning of the prediction factors is;-" 1 ; "14. The database provided with PROSPECT 1 ; "12. When you have entered all the data, select the 'Compute Predictions' option from the Menu. PROSPECT4 will then predict the most probable score draws, listing them in descend-ing order of preference and giving each match a rating out of 100." 1 ; "10. 'DRAW RATING' requires you to give your own estimate of howprobable the match is to result in a draw. High numbers are usedto indicate the most probable draws. If you do not wish to usethis facility just type ENTER. All matches will then have the same rating." 1 ; "'ATTACK/DEFENCE' assesses the goals likely to be scored in thematch. 'CLASS' assesses the difference in playing ability between the 2teams in the match. 'SEQUENCE' assesses the probableoutcome of the match on the basis of the teams most recent sequence of results. 'DRAW RATING' uses the rating you have supplied yourself. 'BALANCE' assesses how level each teams previous matches havebeen. 'DRAW TENDENCY' assesses the frequency each team draws" 1 4 consists of over 17,000 matches analysed by home and away sequences of results. You must load the database ('DATABASE') using menu option 7before entering match data.If you don't have available the latest home and away scores for match entry you must DISABLE the entry of scores prior to entering match data and NOT load the database. You may update the database after the match results are known by entering the match numbers of score draws. NB You MUST load the SAVEd match data before doing this." 1 /(I2-I3))*((I1/I5)-I4) 1 ,Z)+HQ<65535 1 ,Z)+AQ<65535 1 *DR)/(DR+NDR)): 1 *(B5-B6)/(1 1 )=B*( (A/B) - 1 )+HQ>65535 1 )+AQ>65535 1 (KA*K1)+KB 1 ((R1+R2)/2 1 '"START YOUR RECORDER NOW" 1 "loaded"': 1 "REJECTED - NO MATCH DATA": 1 "REJECTED - DATABASE NOT LOADED": 1 "PROSPECT" 1 "PLEASE WAIT": 1 "Games Played","H Wins","H Draws","H Losses","H Goals For","H Goals agst","Total Pts" 1 "Games Played","A Wins","A Draws","A Losses","A Goals For","A Goals agst","Total Pts" 1 "ERROR - NO MATCH DATA ENTERED": 1 "DATABASE NOT LOADED": 1 "Attack/Defence","Class","Sequence","Draw Rating","Balance","Draw Tendency" 1 " 1st Division"," 2nd Division"," 3rd Division"," 4th Division","Scottish Premier","Scottish 1st Dvn","Scottish 2nd Dvn"," Cup Tie"," Australian","Non-League Match" 1 " BEFORE ENTERING MATCH DATA": 1 Mayday Software,1986 1 MAYDAY SOFTWARE, 1986 " 1 FINAL PREDICTIONS " 1 "Please enter the database name": 1 "Please enter the same data identifier that was used to savethe data": 1 "Please enter an identifier for the new database using not more than 8 characters. Follow the standard SAVE procedure with your recorder as given in the SPECTRUM manual. Once you have started your recorder running, leave it running until the Menu appears." 1 "Data is stored by PROSPECT in 3 separate sections. Please enter an identifier for the data usingnot more than 8 characters. Follow the standard SAVE procedure with your recorder as given in the SPECTRUM manual. Once you have started your recorder running, leave it running until the Menu appears. " 1 " PROSPECT4 INSTRUCTIONS ______________________ 1. The aim of PROSPECT4 is to predict the 16 matches on a football coupon most likely to result in score draws.PROSPECT4 uses current form as a basis for prediction. You must enter data for each match you want PROSPECT4 to consider." 1 PROSPECT4